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Blue Ribbon Recipient of the Month: Eliza Vaillant

We’re excited to share that Eliza Vaillant is our Blue Ribbon Recipient of the Month. The Blue Ribbon recognizes a staff member, volunteer or intern who has demonstrated great dedication and outstanding performance at Arts at the Armory. 

Eliza may be “behind the scenes,” but her work is essential to keeping Arts at the Armory running. She exhibits so many qualities that are essential to her role. She is detail-oriented, thorough, organized, responsive, patient, helpful, committed and steadfast. It is clear how much she cares about Arts at the Armory and wants the organization to succeed. 

1. What do you do at Arts at the Armory?
I am a member of the finance team. I take care of accounts receivables, accounts payables, and other tasks as they come up.

2. How long have you worked at Arts at the Armory?
5 years or so. 

3. What’s your favorite thing about working here?
The people are warm and kind, and I whole-heartedly support our mission.

4. What is something you would like our community to know about you?
I like learning new things and figuring out how to do them as efficiently as possible.

The Center for the Arts at the Armory